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Startup Purchase, reconstruction and sale of real estate

Real estate

Our project is divided into two directions. The first is “small projects,” that is, purchase and sale of flats. We have the know-how to select affordable properties, which we subsequently renovate and sell at a multiple cost.  The second is development projects. We want to carry out these projects from the outset – buying land, preparing projects, construction and selling of real estate. In this case, this is a longer-term investment, at least in the order of two years. 

2 500 000 - 17 000 000 Kč
Požadovaná investice
50 - 60 %
We offer

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Other projects

Energy Centre

The Energy Centre project is the top in its class. It is an extraordinary technological and investment project in the waste management and energy industry, which are areas with relatively high return on investment. The operation of the plant does not have a…

Ecology Electricity, heat, gas, water, waste Agriculture, breeding, forestry, fishing
10 000 000 Kč We require
20% We offer
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Australský kruhový trénink v ČR.

Jedná se o novodobé fitness tréninkové programy vytvořené v Austrálii. Náplní jsou kruhové tréninky ve 45 minutách času v halách k tomu přizpůsobených. Název tréninku je odvozen od vysoce intenzivního intervalového tréninku. Používá se zejména vlastní váha…

Entertainment, sports, lifestyle
3 000 000 Kč We require
10 - 20% We offer
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Rádi sportujete ?? Baví vás kolektivní sporty, ale nemůžete najít lidi aby jste si spolu zasportovali ?? Uvítali by jste ametérskou ligu ?? Máte skupinu přátel, se kterou chcete sdílet informace ?? (Potvrzení účasti, příspěvky na nástěnku, zpráva financí atd…

Entertainment, sports, lifestyle Information Technology Advice, Mediation, Valuation
2 000 000 Kč We require
15 - 35% We offer
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