Energy Centre

Ekologie Elektřina, teplo, plyn, voda, odpady Zemědělství, chovatelství, lesnictví, rybářství

The Energy Centre project is the top in its class. It is an extraordinary technological and investment project in the waste management and energy industry, which are areas with relatively high return on investment. The operation of the plant does not have a negative impact on its environment and it contributes to the elimination of problematic biodegradable waste. The purpose of the project is to build and run a plant that produces several products at the same time due to the state-of-the-art technology. The project is in the stage just before building of the plant and has already contracted customers.

10 000 000 Kč
Požadovaná investice
20 %

Tento projekt hledá investora
a chci se o něm dozvědět více

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