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Growing fish in a recirculating system

Agriculture, breeding, forestry, fishing

We are a young start-up focused on fish production in a recirculating system. We grow fish from the stage of fryer to market size. Growing takes place in intense conditions in troughs and other types of breeding tanks. We are currently in a stage where we have a finished project for a system that is to produce up to 8 tons of market fish in an area of ​​34 m3. The system is designed to use waste heat and power from a biogas plant. In this way, we are able to market fresh fish all year round. The fish is grown in controlled optimal conditions, so we can easily react to any anomalies and we are able to react quickly to potential risks.

4 000 000 - 5 000 000 Kč
Požadovaná investice
30 - 35 %
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